Dear Abby

Dear Abby:

My husband has been making an issue out of our 3-year-old grandson's choice of toys. He enjoys playing with his sister's dolls and his mother's shoes.

My husband says this is an indication that the boy has homosexual tendencies.

Could my husband's suspicions about his grandson be a reflection of his own repressed homosexual desires? I wonder, because he seems to hate women particularly me. He attacks sex as though it were a contest. When it's over, he is surly and mean. No love, no tenderness or closeness. I submit, but I don't enjoy it.

I am not worried about my grandson, but I am worried about my husband.

Am I justified?

-Nameless, Please

Dear Nameless:

Only a trained psychotherapist would be able to determine whether your husband is projecting his own "homosexual tendencies" to his grandson.

His attitude about women and lovemaking is no more conclusive proof of homosexual tendencies than your grandson's choice of toys.